Film Processing 8mm 16mm and 35mm Color Negative / Ektachrome / B&W Negative / B&W Reversal film stocks.
Film Scanning 8mm 16mm 35mm - HD / 2K / 4K / 6K up to 9.4K
16mm and 35mm Digital to Film Recording 2K /4K plus full analog film printing.
Cinelab is your complete small gauge lab!
We Develop and Scan all modern Super-8mm and Regular 8mm film stocks.
Color Negative (Vision3) Ektachrome E6 and B&W (Tri-X FomaPan Adox etc.) we can also do custom processing and cross processing.
Super 8mm Process and HD Scan $42 / Cartridge
Super 8mm Process and 2K Scan $50 / Cartridge
Super 8mm Process and 4K Scan $70 / Cartridge
Ektachrome E6 add $5/cartridge
Standard 8mm:
Process Color Negative or B&W Reversal or B&W Negative:
Leave as 16mm un-slit: $25 / Roll.
Slit and assembled into 8mm add $10 / Roll.
Ektachrome E6 add $5 per roll.
Standard 8mm 2K scan $25 4K Scan $50
8MM LaserGrpahics Scanning:
HD 1080P $0.40/ft 2K $0.50/ft 3K $0.60/ft UHD-4K $0.70/ft 4K $0.80/ft
Upload to Google Drive Free up to 20Gb then $1/Gb
Cinelab processes all 16mm film stocks in house on our five linear film processors.
16mm Color Negative / B&W Reversal / B&W Negative with 2K LaserGraphics scan $0.45/ft.
16mm Color Negative / B&W Reversal / B&W Negative with 4K LaserGraphics scan $0.60/ft.
16mm Color Reversal Ektachrome E6 with 2K LaserGraphics scan $0.50/ft.
16mm Color Reversal Ektachrome E6 with 2K LaserGraphics scan $0.65/ft.
See price sheet for 2.5K / 5K overscan on the LaserGraphics Scan Station scanners.
Arriscan 2K / 4K SDR add $0.15/ft.
Arriscan 2K / 4K HDR add $0.25/ft.
Uploads free up to 20Gb then $1/Gb
Ask about 6K Arriscan HDR or 8K Xena scans.
Cinelab offers full service comprehensive film scanning for every need and film gauge:
Our Arriscan 6K scanner offers Pin Registered RGB HDR scans from 16mm and 35mm at resolutions up to 6224x4112.
Our DCS Xena 9.4K scanner fo up to 8K Super 8mm 16mm and 35mm plus Vista Vision 8 perf scans. Ask for availability.
Our two LaserGraphics Scan Station scanners offer HDR scans from 8mm 16mm and 35mm at resolutions up to 5.4K for Including reading both optical sound for 35mm and 16mm and magnetic sound for 8mm & 16mm.
If it is a motion picture film we can scan it at the highest quality available, custom or new formats like UltraPan-8mm and odd scientific formats like 6-perf 35mm are no problem!
Cinelab has the most comprehensive film processing in the USA.
We develop:
ECN2 Color Negative / 8mm / 16mm / 35mm
E6 Ektachrome / 8mm / 16mm / 35mm
B&W Negative / 8mm / 16mm / 35mm
B&W Reversal / 8mm / 16mm
B&W Print stock / HiCon / Sound 8mm / 16mm / 35mm
ECP Color Print 16mm / 35mm
Cinelab runs five continuous (Linear) film processors:
PhotoMEC 35/16 ECN-2 processor built in London
Allen Products 35/16/8 Ektachrome E6 processor
Allen Products 16/8 ECN2 processor
Treise 16/8 B&W Reversal processor
Allen Products 35/16/8 B&W Negative & Print processor.
DIGemulsion Digital to Film.
Digital to 35mm Film:
We offer Digital to 35mm film on the ARRILASER and we are currently building a Digital to 35mm recorder for 4K recording to any camera negative stock. We are also adding direct Digital to 35mm print services. Ask about digital to 35mm film recording as this is being developed currently.
Digital to 16mm Film:
Our third generation 16mm Cine-Mitchell recorder built in house is now up and running featuring a Mitchell pin-reg transport and the ability to record to any camera film stock. We have recorded hundreds of jobs to 16mm for rescan for texture / DI for 16mm / Digital to 16mm print both silent and with optical sound.
We offer Peterson 16mm wet gate and B&H dry gate 16mm printers. We have a B&H 35mm panel printer will all optical sound heads. We can make workprint and timed 16mm and 35mm prints.
We also have a Producer’s Service 16mm / 35mm / VistaVision computer controlled optical printer formerly owned by famed LA FX man Harry Walton and used on shows like RoboCop and Indiana Jones. Capable of blow down and blow up work plus a range of traditional VFX work, available as a service or for the DIY person who has a FX job they want to do.
Cinelab offers full service processing printing and handling of any type of 35mm film.
ECN2 Color Negative:
Our industry standard PhotoMec processor capable of running 30,000ft of ECN2 film per shift.
Color Reversal E6 “Pro6” Processing on a dedicated Allen Processor.
Negative and B&W Print processing on a dedicated Allen Processor.
35mm Features / TV / Music Videos / Ad-Spot / Fashion
Any request large or small B&W or Color, odd or the usual we are here to make the best of 35mm.
Cinelab will soon have a range of both standard and unusual analog motion picture camera(s) for rent. 8mm 16mm and 35mm. Check back soon for packages including film and lab services.
Turnaround Times for fresh shot film for Cinelab normal processing and ready prepped previously processed film for scan (Typical) 35mm and 16mm 2-10 work days, 8mm 1-2 weeks Ektachrome E6 Color Reversal processing is 2-4 weeks, Push/Pull or Bleach Bypass will typically add significantly to turnaround time. 16mm and 35mm printing is 1-2 weeks. We also offer same day rush processing service for ECN2 & B&W normal processing and expedited of E6 Printing or Push/Pull and other services, call for rush requests. All R8mm with slitting is 2-4 weeks due to special handling requirements. Archival work is 4-8 weeks typically and really depends on the film condition and extent of the work needed so can be longer.
FOR THE LAWYERS: Industry standard disclaimer: What is the Limit of Liability of the lab in case of lost or damaged film? Submitting any film, print, negative or digital image/movie files to Cinelab Inc. for processing, printing, digital transfer or other handling constitutes an AGREEMENT by you that any damage or loss by our companies, subsidiary or agents, will only entitle you to replacement with a like amount of unexposed film and processing. Except for such replacement, the acceptance by our company, subsidiary and or agents of the film, print, negative or digital file is without other warranty or liability expressed or implied, and recovery for any incidental or consequential damage is excluded. Cinelab Inc. shall not be liable for any loss of income or profits, loss of contracts or for any indirect or consequential loss or damage of any kind howsoever arising from any lost or damaged material submitted to Cinelab Inc.